Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P07686 -43.557 24.291 7.59e-169.22e-168.76e-16 0.015 -9.26 No
P08391 -41.693 8.673 1.97e-161.66e-161.15e-16 0.080 -7.94 No
P01909 -39.734 22.499 1.55e-141.32e-148.53e-15 0.015 -8.25 Light Curve
P06056 -38.313 30.565 4.06e-132.08e-139.32e-14 0.521 -6.09 No
P00038 -38.044 25.895 1.80e-131.50e-131.04e-13 0.057 -7.84 Light Curve
P11453 -38.073 23.784 1.00e-144.69e-152.01e-15 0.090 -7.71 No
P04176 -37.257 20.838 1.10e-136.06e-143.01e-14 0.006 -7.56 No
P03724 -34.675 20.769 1.10e-151.18e-151.04e-15 0.010 -6.79 No
P09341 -34.198 32.805 2.84e-141.38e-145.79e-15 0.086 -7.11 No
P06704 -33.075 31.673 8.44e-154.84e-152.40e-15 0.062 -6.83 No
P03131 -31.829 20.126 2.20e-101.42e-108.17e-11 0.038 -5.93 No
P09295 -28.040 20.395 1.97e-141.36e-147.66e-15 0.008 -5.00 No
P00835 -27.506 9.106 2.11e-092.38e-092.00e-09 0.140 -3.99 Light Curve
P01746 -26.961 19.013 2.14e-151.17e-155.94e-16 0.040 -4.53 No
P05474 -24.400 16.356 6.03e-152.92e-151.27e-15 0.063 -3.69 No
P08986 -23.853 20.488 7.82e-153.72e-151.59e-15 0.088 -3.76 No
P09947 -22.770 8.329 6.36e-106.21e-104.47e-10 0.068 -2.68 Light Curve
P03431 -22.586 16.142 7.07e-104.63e-102.64e-10 0.066 -3.12 No
P05499 -22.338 14.825 7.93e-124.24e-122.13e-12 0.009 -3.03 No
P07717 -21.779 14.921 1.97e-112.46e-112.33e-11 0.016 -2.85 No
P00290 -21.906 27.023 2.50e-133.00e-132.94e-13 0.295 -3.36 No
P01419 -21.223 13.863 2.08e-111.23e-116.34e-12 0.015 -2.53 No
P05629 -18.606 10.680 1.19e-121.02e-126.86e-13 0.157 -1.51 No
P03510 -17.390 19.797 3.78e-161.84e-167.97e-17 0.031 -1.92 No
P00114 -16.645 32.423 4.99e-142.82e-141.46e-14 0.289 -2.43 No
P02102 -13.994 22.245 2.05e-121.53e-129.84e-13 0.132 -1.06 Light Curve
P03590 -10.490 13.802 6.27e-133.81e-132.01e-13 0.027 0.49 No
P08494 -9.982 9.166 3.41e-153.63e-153.08e-15 0.022 1.20 No
P05247 -7.493 12.787 8.51e-104.79e-102.33e-10 0.674 0.77 No
P02788 -6.423 7.860 2.03e-111.10e-115.14e-12 0.066 2.31 No
P02470 -2.916 11.505 6.45e-164.04e-162.25e-16 0.038 3.09 No
P05614 -2.431 0.236 1.16e-096.35e-103.04e-10 0.111 4.16 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)